On October 25th there will be an open meeting of the Board of Directors of the ICA to discuss news and events for the upcoming 2009 season. Clubs and club members are invited to join the meeting so that their voice may be heard on issues regarding racing in Illinois.
The ICA is also seeking more involvement from members to help better organize and promote racing in Illinois. Believe it or not the ICA takes it cues from the bicycle racing community. That includes you and me and anyone else who races. In order to better represent us, the ICA needs as much involvement as possible. 2008 was an incredible year for racing, lets help to insure that 2009 is even better.
A few of the key areas that the ICA is working on will include more officials for 2009, more involvement in the different committees involved in organizing races, and adding more races to the calendar by networking with new promoters.
If you have ever been frustated with an official or something else that happened during a race that was perhaps unsafe, now is your chance to do something about it. Having an official amongst your members would be an invaluable resource, for more info click here.
Most association have an active and involved committee structure that helps to promote their mission. For the ICA, those issues range from womens racing to juniors racing, to masters racing, to finding good venues for races, to club development, to marketing, to web site development, to finance and more. If any particular issue is your area of expertise or interest and you'd like to get involved, we encourage you to show up to this first meeting. We will be reviewing our standing committees to make sure they align with our mission and we'll be looking for good people to join these committees.
Also being discussed on an ongoing basis within the ICA is adding new races to the schedule. If you are a promoter the ICA will help to promote and organize your race. By working with the ICA, they can also work to avoid schedule conflicts so that your race gets the largest draw it can.
For more info about the meeting scheduled for October 25th in Lisle, check here.