Fortunately I was able to start racing again this season, although cautiously, after having a surgically repaired clavicle. Witnessing Rich's break didn't help the psyche either. I was eagerly anticipating racing again, but in the first few races I couldn't help but sit at the back (almost literally) until the pack thinned out before making any moves to pass. I was overly cautious not to spill again and get re-injured.

A certain amount of aggression and fearlessness is necessary for success in racing, yet I was easily giving positions away to stay upright. Little-by-little, after a few more races, my confidence has come back and this weekend I was going to do my best to suppress any anxiety about wrecking and race aggressively from the whistle. Although I still lost positions at the start both days, I held on, battled, and settled in the top third instead of near the back. Once the field was thinned-out, I was able to pick up several more spots both days and finished 13th and 16th out of 80+ respectively for the weekend. Although still no where near the podium, those finishes feel a lot better than the feelings from a month ago in Carpentersville sitting in 84th place ahead of only one rider on the first lap.

Maybe the best thing that happened this weekend was wiping out... Yes, wiping out can be a good thing! I took a turn too hot and lost it, spilling onto my "injured" side. I had done what I was fearing! Another trip to the emergency room? Surgery? Time off the bike? Again?!? I got up, after losing a position of course, got back on and finished. Shoulder in tact. Only a small scrape and bruise on the knee. It's good to be back!
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